Taking a break on our weekly calls. Be Back Soon!
When the shot heard round the world was fired, less than 10% of those fighting King George were in favor of it. The rest were against going to war with England. Those few brave men and women
put their lives on the line because they believed in freedom for all.
Their conviction was enough to break the yoke of subjugation.
With love and compassionate detachment.
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Research reported vaccine injuries. Read the People's stories!!
Easily search the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database
Search vaccine ingredients (excipients) and COVID injury dashboard from VAERS
Official VAERS government website
Great compilation of resource pointers
#DoYourResearch – Massachusetts Stands Up!
The WHO collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. Put in "covid-19 vaccine" in search. Thousand fold increase in reports in 2021 over 2020.
The Moral Case Against COVID Lockdowns. NO Government or person has the right to decide who lives and who dies. There is no moral dilemma or choice to be made.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny is offers up a lot of education on what is going on in the world and what you should know to be able to make informed decisions.
The American Front Line Doctors working to get you medications that that are being outright banned by the very organizations that are meant to protect you. New systems of healthcare need to be created. If you need medications, go to the website, click on COVID-19 and then go to treatments and follow the instructions.
Over 860,000 signatures including 44,167 medical practitioners have signed the Great Barrington Declaration with grave concerns over the physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 counter measures. Advocating instead for focused protection.
Del Bigtree is a man with allegiance to no one and nothing but the truth.
Pamela A. Popper
President, Wellness Forum Health
Co-author of the new explosive book:
COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened and What’s Next
You can order it now!! www.wellnessforumhealth.com
join our movement: www.makeamericansfreeagain.com
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The path to soil health & food independence is through regenerative agriculture movement with medical findings from Zach Bush MD. A triple board certified physician.
Dr Christiane Northrup is leading the efforts in the MAINE Stands Up!! Visit her website to learn how to be healthy!
This website is about conversation. It can be uncomfortable but knowledge is power. TO BE FREE is to be open to all possibility. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
The future of mankind truly hangs in the balance hence ‘A Warrior Calls’ was created by Christopher James. He holds podcasts every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday at 8 PM.
Massachusetts Public Accommodation Law - you cannot be discriminated against if you are unable to wear a mask in a place that is open to the public. Here is the list of places considered open to the public.
Public accommodation civil rights protections | Mass.gov
NOTE: This is being rescinded as the State of Emergency is ending on June 15, 2021 in the State of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Revised Order Requiring Face Coverings (Section 2. Exceptions) The order clearly states that people who are unable to wear a mask do not have to.
Deprivation of Rights by Federal, State, Local Officials - Anyone who attempts to enforce the mandates by saying they are laws is in violation of "Color of Law" and can be held personally and financially liable.
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NEWLY ADDED (Sept 2021): Notice of Affirmation of Constitutionally Protected Rights. Use for any business, employer or organization forcing compliance with any mandates. This is reclaiming your right to say NO.